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Here are some rare unkown facts, that most people don't know.
- Forensic scientists can tell when, and sometimes how, someone has died by looking at the type of insects that have begun to gather in and around a dead body.
- It is absolutely possible to die from "fatal water overdose," aka from drinking too much water.
- If a body is left to decompose in consistent 50-degree weather, it can reach a skeletal state in as little as four months.
- Your remains can be turned into a vinyl record, a diamond, or even a tree after you've died.
- It’s actually a myth that a mirror reverses your image—your reflection is not flipped. What you see is the left-hand side of your face on the left of the mirror, and the right-hand side on the right, giving the illusion that your reflection is reversed.
- It is found that women have more nightmares than men, because of their over-thinking.
- Each strand of hair can contain traces of 14 different elements (including gold).
- Scaphism was a form of ancient torture back in the day. It consisted of the victim being covered all over with honey and then subjected to large amounts of ants and other insects.
- Aokigahara forest, also known as the Sea of Trees, is a popular forest in Japan where people go to take their own life.
We will never have a good sleep again!
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